Sharda, Ramesh (ed.); Golden, Bruce L. (ed.); Wasil, Edward (ed.); Balci, Osman (ed.); Stewart, William (ed.) Impacts of recent computer advances on operations research. Proceedings of a conference held in Williamsburg, Virginia, USA in January 1989. (English) Zbl 0727.90047 Publications in Operations Research Series, 9. New York, NY etc.: North- Holland. xii, 585 p. $ 120.00; Dfl. 250.00 (1989). [The articles of this volume will not be indexed individually.] The conference on Impacts of Recent Computer Advances On Operations Research was organized in early January 1989 in Williamsburg, Virginia. Here, nearly 160 computer science and OR practitioners and researchers from industry, government, academic and military institutions reported on recent computer hardware and software advances. The papers containing significant research are useful, provocative and interesting, and represent the growth in computer technology impressively. The contents in detail: I. Plenary papers. G. B. Dantzig, Decomposition techniques for large-scale electric power systems planning under uncertainty, 3-22. II. Parallel algorithms for mathematical programming. R. S. Barr, M. G. Christiansen, A parallel auction algorithm: A case study in the use of parallel object-oriented programming, 23-32; J. O. Berkey, P. Y. Wang, A comparative study of some parallel bin packing algorithms, 33-43; T. E. Gerasch, P. Y. Wang, S. T. Weidman, SIMD knapsack approximation algorithms, 44- 56; A. R. Joshi, D.-S. Chen, A vectorized dual algorithm for generalized network problem, 57-70; H. S. Mahmassani, K. C. Mouskos, Vectorization of transportation network equilibrium assignment codes, 71-81; G. L. Schultz, R. R. Meyer, A flexible parallel algorithm for block-constrained optimization problems, 82-91; R. Hunter Mladineo, Supercomputers and global optimization, 92-105; J. M. Mulvey, H. Vladimirou, Evaluation of a parallel hedging algorithm for stochastic network programming, 106-119; D. M. Nicol, Parallel solution of dynamic programming equation using optimistic evaluation, 120-130; P. M. Pardalos, G. P. Rodgers, Parallel branch and bound algorithms for unconstrained quadratic zero-one programming, 131-143; G. Plateau, C. Roucairol, A supercomputer algorithm for the 0-1 multiknapsack problem, 144-157; M. J. Saltzman, R. Subramanian, R. E. Marsten, Implementing an interior point LP algorithm on a supercomputer, 158-168; C. Phillips, S. A. Zenios, Experiences with large scale network optimization on the connection machine, 169-182. III. Graphics in optimization. I. Lustig, Application of interactive computer graphics to linear programming, 183-189; C. L. Monma, D. F. Shallcross, A PC-based interactive network design system for fiber optic communication networks, 190-204. IV. Microcomputers in operations research. E. Gelman, M. A. Pollatschek, Personal computer version of nearly triangular Leontief LP solution, 205-216; T. P. Harrison, J. L. Martin, Optimizing exchange agreements in the refining industry, 217- 225; J. K. Ho, Nonprocedural implementation of mathematical programming algorithms, 226-237; R. Terry, D. DeBald, R. Chikkala, Closed queueing network analysis of indirect labor requirements, 238-247; M. L. Villanueva, N. A. Wittpenn, C. B. Austin, E. Baker, A microcomputer-based marine geographic information system with marketing application, 248-262; E. Wasil, B. Golden, R. Sharda, Mathematical programming software for the microcomputer: Recent advances, comparisons and trends, 263-272; E. Wasil, A. Assad, Project management software for the microcomputer: Recent advances and future directions, 273-288. V. Artificial intelligence and expert systems. G. Anandalingam, R. Mathieu, C. L. Pittard, N. Sinha, Artificial intelligence based approaches for solving hierarchical optimization problems, 289-301; J. W. Denton, G. R. Madey, Impact of neurocomputing on operations research, 302-312; H. J. Greenberg, Neural networks for an intelligent mathematical programming system, 313- 320; M. R. Hilliard, G. E. Liepins, M. Palmer, G. Rangarajan, The computer as a partner in algorithmic design: Automated discovery of parameters for a multi-objective scheduling heuristic, 321-331; J.- Y. Potvin, S. F. Smith, Flexible systems for the design of heuristic algorithms in complex OR domains, 332-346. VI. Vehicle routing and scheduling applications. D. Jovanovic, P. T. Harker, SCAN: A decision support system for railroad scheduling, 347-360; K. E. Nygard, P. Juell, K. Nagesh, An interactive decision support system for vehicle routing, 361-372; J. R. Schaffer, P. K. Pearl, Vehicle routing and scheduling for home delivery, 373-384. VII. Simulation. O. Balci, R. E. Nance, Simulation model development: The multidimensionality of the computing technology pull, 385-395; R. K. Kincaid, K. W. Miller, S. K. Park, Locating P mobile servers on a congested network: A simulation analysis, 396-406; R. L. Moose, R. E. Nance, The design and development of an analyzer for discrete event model specifications, 407-421; R. J. Paul, Visual simulation: Seeing is believing? 422-432; M. B. Silberholz, B. L. Golden, E. K. Baker, Simulating a marine container terminal on the Macintosh II, 433. VIII. Model development and analysis systems. G. H. Bradley, Mathematical programming modeling project - overview, 447-462; R. G. Brown, J. W. Chinneck, G. M. Karam, Optimization with constraint programming systems, 463-473; M. Grauer, S. Albers, M. Frommberger, Concept and first experiences with an object-oriented interface for mathematical programming, 474-483; G. Mitra, Tools for modelling support and construction of optimization applications, 484-496; A. D. Waren, M. Pechura, L. S. Lasdon, The GRG2 model builder, 497-506; S. Zenios, S. S. Nielsen, M. Pinar, On the use of advance architecture computers via high-level modelling languages, 507. IX. Telecommunications. A. J. Perticone, J. P. Jarvis, D. R. Shier, Evaluation and design of voice telecommunications network, 521-532. X. Numerical analysis. R. Baker Kearfott, Interval arithmetic methods for nonlinear systems and nonlinear optimization: An outline and status, 533-542; A. P. Morgan, Polynomial continuation, 543-554; L. T. Watson, Modern homotopy methods in optimization, 555-566. Reviewer: A.Donescu (Bucureşti) Cited in 3 Documents MSC: 90-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to operations research and mathematical programming 65Y05 Parallel numerical computation 65K05 Numerical mathematical programming methods 90C35 Programming involving graphs or networks 90C30 Nonlinear programming 90B35 Deterministic scheduling theory in operations research 90-08 Computational methods for problems pertaining to operations research and mathematical programming 90C05 Linear programming 90C10 Integer programming 90C27 Combinatorial optimization 90C39 Dynamic programming 90C90 Applications of mathematical programming 90B90 Case-oriented studies in operations research 90C09 Boolean programming 90C06 Large-scale problems in mathematical programming 90B18 Communication networks in operations research 91B66 Multisectoral models in economics 90B06 Transportation, logistics and supply chain management Keywords:Computer advances; Operations research; Proceedings; Conference; Williamsburg, VA (USA); bin packing; knapsack approximation; transportation network; parallel branch and bound; Graphics in optimization; artificial intelligence; expert systems; multi-objective scheduling heuristic; vehicle routing; interactive decision support; Simulation; homotopy methods × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF