Giscard, Pierre-Louis; Pozza, Stefano Lanczos-like algorithm for the time-ordered exponential: the \(\ast\)-inverse problem. (English) Zbl 07285958 Appl. Math., Praha 65, No. 6, 807-827 (2020). Summary: The time-ordered exponential of a time-dependent matrix \(\mathsf{A}(t)\) is defined as the function of \(\mathsf{A}(t)\) that solves the first-order system of coupled linear differential equations with non-constant coefficients encoded in \(\mathsf{A}(t)\). The authors have recently proposed the first Lanczos-like algorithm capable of evaluating this function. This algorithm relies on inverses of time-dependent functions with respect to a non-commutative convolution-like product, denoted by \(\ast\). Yet, the existence of such inverses, crucial to avoid algorithmic breakdowns, still needed to be proved. Here we constructively prove that \(\ast\)-inverses exist for all non-identically null, smooth, separable functions of two variables. As a corollary, we partially solve the Green’s function inverse problem which, given a distribution \(G\), asks for the differential operator whose fundamental solution is \(G\). Our results are abundantly illustrated by examples. Cited in 5 Documents MSC: 65F60 Numerical computation of matrix exponential and similar matrix functions 47B36 Jacobi (tridiagonal) operators (matrices) and generalizations 65F10 Iterative numerical methods for linear systems 65D15 Algorithms for approximation of functions Keywords:time-ordering; matrix differential equation; time-ordered exponential; Lanczos algorithm; fundamental solution × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv References: [1] Benner, P.; Cohen, A.; Ohlberger, M.; (eds.), K. Willcox, Model Reduction and Approximation: Theory and Algorithms, Computational Science & Engineering 15. 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