
Singular curves and the Plateau problem. (English) Zbl 0737.49029

T. Radó [Math. Z. 32, 763-795 (1930; JFM 56.0436.01)] and J. Douglas [Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 33, 263-321 (1931; Zbl 0001.14102)] showed that an embedded rectifiable curve bounds a disk of least area. The author shows that this result holds for all rectifiable curves, including singular ones. More precisely he proves the following theorem: “Let \(\gamma\) be a rectifiable curve in \(R^ n\). Then \(\gamma\) bounds a disk of least area, which is a smooth branched immersion away from the boundary. If \(n=3\), then \(\gamma\) bounds a disk of least area which is a smooth immersion away from the boundary”. At the end the author extends this theorem to the general Riemannian manifold setting.


49Q05 Minimal surfaces and optimization
53A10 Minimal surfaces in differential geometry, surfaces with prescribed mean curvature
53C42 Differential geometry of immersions (minimal, prescribed curvature, tight, etc.)
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