Schumacher, J. M. A pointwise criterion for controller robustness. (English) Zbl 0743.93080 Syst. Control Lett. 18, No. 1, 1-8 (1992). Summary: We present a pointwise criterion for controller robustness with respect to stability. The term ‘point’ here refers to complex frequency in the right half plane. The proposed test is based on the concept of the minimal angle between subspaces determined by the plant and the compensator. The test leads to separate balls of uncertainty at each frequency, and may therefore help to reduce conservativeness in the analysis of robustness. Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 14 Documents MSC: 93D09 Robust stability Keywords:perturbations; linear time-invariant systems; controller robustness × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Achieser, N. I.; Glasmann, I. M., Theorie der Lineare Operatoren im Hilbert-Raum (1954), Akademic-Verlag: Akademic-Verlag Berlin · Zbl 0056.11101 [2] Afriat, S. 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