Miloh, Touvia (ed.) Mathematical approaches in hydrodynamics. (English) Zbl 0747.76009 Philadelphia, PA: SIAM, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. xxi, 517 p. (1991). [The articles of this volume will not be indexed individually.]The articles in this volume were collected together to honour Marshall P. Tulin on his sixty-fifth birthday. They reflect Professor Tulin’s wide interests in fluid dynamics, but appropriately the emphasis is on cavity flows, bubble dynamics, linear and nonlinear water waves, ship hydrodynamics, and flows produced by moving bodies both rigid and deformable, although other topics covered include stratified flows and flows in porous media. Altogether there are thirty-six articles and while a few are review articles most are original research contributions of topical interest.Because the topics range widely over many topics, with is of course appropriate given the motivation for this collection, this book is unlikely to be a must for any particular group of specialists. But the articles are generally of high quality, the volume is attractively presented, and consequently this book can be enjoyed by all those with interests in water waves and fluid dynamics, and who share, if only in some small measure, Professor Tulin’s catholic tastes in fluid dynamics research. Reviewer: R.Grimshaw (Kensington) Cited in 4 Documents MSC: 76-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to fluid mechanics 00B30 Festschriften 76B10 Jets and cavities, cavitation, free-streamline theory, water-entry problems, airfoil and hydrofoil theory, sloshing 76B15 Water waves, gravity waves; dispersion and scattering, nonlinear interaction Keywords:Mathematical approaches; Hydrodynamics; cavity flows; bubble dynamics; water waves; ship hydrodynamics; stratified flows; porous media × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF