
Computing a global optimal solution to a design centering problem. (English) Zbl 0751.90071

Summary: We present a method for solving a special three-dimensional design centering problem arising in diamond manufacturing: Find inside a given (not necessarily convex) polyhedral rough stone the largest diamond of prescribed shape and orientation. This problem can be formulated as the one of finding a global maximum of a difference of two convex functions over \(\mathbb{R}^ 3\) and can be solved efficiently by using a global optimization algorithm provided that the objective function of the maximization problem can be easily evaluated. Here we prove that with the information available on the rough stone and on the reference diamond, evaluating the objective function at a point \(x\) amounts to computing the distance, with respect to a Minkowski gauge, from \(x\) to a finite number of planes. We propose a method for finding these planes and we report some numerical results.


90C30 Nonlinear programming
90C90 Applications of mathematical programming
90-08 Computational methods for problems pertaining to operations research and mathematical programming
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