Bourn, Dominique Normalization equivalence, kernel equivalence and affine categories. (English) Zbl 0756.18007 Category theory, Proc. Int. Conf., Como/Italy 1990, Lect. Notes Math. 1488, 43-62 (1991). [Note: Some diagrams below cannot be displayed correctly in the web version. Please use the PDF version for correct display.][For the entire collection see Zbl 0733.00009].It is shown here, that for a left exact category \(\mathbb{E}\) with an initial object and O-valued sums, kernel equivalence is equivalent to the following condition (called the essentially affine condition): for any commutative square of split epimorphisms: \[ \begin{tikzcd}\cdot\ar[r] & \cdot \\ \cdot \ar[r]\ar[u,"\Downarrow"] & \cdot \ar[u,"\Downarrow"']\end{tikzcd} \] the downward square is a pullback if and only if the upward square is a pushout. Now a left exact category is additive if and only if it essentially affine and pointed \((0=1)\). It is modular if and only if it is essentially affine and its terminal object satisfies a condition of modularity. It is equivalent to a coslice of additive category if and only if it is essentially affine and its initial object satisfies a certain condition of comodularity. Cited in 5 ReviewsCited in 125 Documents MSC: 18E10 Abelian categories, Grothendieck categories 18E05 Preadditive, additive categories 18A30 Limits and colimits (products, sums, directed limits, pushouts, fiber products, equalizers, kernels, ends and coends, etc.) Keywords:categories of affine spaces; slices of additive categories; left exact category; kernel equivalence; essentially affine condition; split epimorphisms; pullback; pushout; modularity; coslice; additive category; comodularity Citations:Zbl 0683.18008; Zbl 0733.00009 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{D. Bourn}, Lect. Notes Math. None, 43--62 (1991; Zbl 0756.18007)