
Strings, knots, and quantum groups: A glimpse at three 1990 Fields Medalists. (English) Zbl 0757.01029

This is an expository paper, explaining the connections between the work of Edward Witten, Vladimir Drinfel’d and Vaughan Jones, all of whom received Fields Medals in 1990. The paper is written in a clear style which attempts to introduce readers into a profound circle of ideas, though, needless to say, familiarity with the concepts of a number of initially seemingly different mathematical theories is necessary. It demonstrates, among other things, the interrelations between “widely separated” areas of mathematics.


01A70 Biographies, obituaries, personalia, bibliographies
81-03 History of quantum theory


strings; knots

Biographic References:

Witten, E.; Drinfel’d, V.; Jones, V.
Full Text: DOI