
Asymptotic periodicity of Markov operators of signed measures. (English) Zbl 0758.47033

A criterion for asymptotic periodicity of Markov operators on \(L^ 1\) was established by the first author [Tôhoku Math J. 38, 15-27 (1986; Zbl 0578.47020) and Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci., Math. 35, 321-327 (1987; Zbl 0642.47026)]. In this paper, a generalization of the above result is provided for a quasi-constructive Markov operator on any band in the space of signed measures on a \(\sigma\)-algebra.


47B60 Linear operators on ordered spaces
28A33 Spaces of measures, convergence of measures
46E27 Spaces of measures
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