Buttazzo, Giuseppe; Dal Maso, Gianni Shape optimization for Dirichlet problems: Relaxed formulation and optimality conditions. (English) Zbl 0762.49017 Appl. Math. Optimization 23, No. 1, 17-49 (1991). The paper is concerned with the optimal design problem \[ \inf_ A \int_ \Omega j\bigl(x,u_ A(x)\bigr) dx, \] where \(\Omega{}\) is a given domain of \({\mathbf R}^ n\) (\(n\geq{} 2\)), \(A\) varies in the open subsets of \(\Omega{}\) and \(u_ A\in{} H^ 1_ 0\bigl(A\bigr)\) is the solution of the problem \[ \Delta{} u_ A=-f\quad\quad\hbox{\mathrm in }A. \] The cost functions \(j\) and \(f\in{} L^ 2\bigl(\Omega{}\bigr)\) are given. In general, the infimum is not attained. By using the approximation results of G. Dal Maso and U. Mosco [Appl. Math. Optim. 15, 15-63 (1987; Zbl 0644.35033)], the authors are able to find a relaxed formulation of the problem which always admits a solution. Moreover, they find a set of necessary conditions for optimality. Some of these were already known in the literature [see for instance O. Pironneau, “Optimal shape design for elliptic systems” (1984; Zbl 0534.49001)]. Reviewer: L.Ambrosio (Roma) Cited in 4 ReviewsCited in 67 Documents MSC: 49Q10 Optimization of shapes other than minimal surfaces 49K15 Optimality conditions for problems involving ordinary differential equations 35D05 Existence of generalized solutions of PDE (MSC2000) Keywords:Dirichlet problems; optimality conditions; shape optimization; relaxation; optimal design Citations:Zbl 0644.35033; Zbl 0534.49001 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Attouch H.: Variational Convergence for Functions and Operators. Pitman, London, 1984. · Zbl 0561.49012 [2] Baxter J. R., Dal Maso G., Mosco U.: Stopping times and ?-convergence. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 303 (1987), 1-38. · Zbl 0627.60071 [3] Brelot M.: On Topologies and Boundaries in Potential Theory. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol 175. 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