
Inconsistencies in deductive databases. Diagnosis and repair. (Inkonsistenzen in deduktiven Datenbanken. Diagnose und Reparatur.) (German) Zbl 0762.68017

Informatik-Fachberichte. 248. Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag. VIII, 141 p. (1990).
A database is defined as a triple of finite sets: A set of facts, a set of rules and a set of consistency conditions. Facts are closed atomic formulas, rules are Horn clauses and consistency conditions are arbitrary first order sentences. The process of adding or deleting a fact, a rule or condition to the database is called a transaction. Of course, a transaction may destroy the consistency of a database. The author analyses when and how transactions may cause inconsistencies (diagnosis) and presents some elementary algorithms for restoring consistency (repair).
The book contains a brief introduction into Herbrand models and logic programming. However, all proofs of deeper theorems are omitted. But there is a rather extensive list of references. The style of presentation stresses precise set theoretical formalizations of even the most basic ideas.
Reviewer: K.Kaiser (Houston)


68P15 Database theory
68N17 Logic programming
68-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to computer science