Kutta, Tim; Dierickx, Gauthier; Dette, Holger Statistical inference for the slope parameter in functional linear regression. (English) Zbl 07633932 Electron. J. Stat. 16, No. 2, 5980-6042 (2022). Summary: In this paper, we consider the linear regression model \(Y=SX+\varepsilon\) with functional regressors and responses. We develop new inference tools to quantify deviations of the true slope \(S\) from a hypothesized operator \(S_0\) with respect to the Hilbert-Schmidt norm \(|||S-S_0|||^2\), as well as the prediction error \(\mathbb{E}\| SX-S_0 X\|^2\). Our analysis is applicable to functional time series and based on asymptotically pivotal statistics. This makes it particularly user-friendly, because it avoids the choice of tuning parameters inherent in long-run variance estimation or bootstrap of dependent data. We also discuss two sample problems as well as change point detection. Finite sample properties are investigated by means of a simulation study.Mathematically, our approach is based on a sequential version of the popular spectral cut-off estimator \(\hat{S}_N\) for \(S\). We prove that (sequential) plug-in estimators of the deviation measures are \(\sqrt{N}\)-consistent and satisfy weak invariance principles. These results rest on the smoothing effect of \(L^2\)-norms, that we exploit by a new proof-technique, the smoothness shift, which has potential applications in other fields. Cited in 1 Document MSC: 62R10 Functional data analysis 62M20 Inference from stochastic processes and prediction Keywords:functional linear regression; prediction error; relevant tests; spectral cut-off Software:fda (R) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv Link References: [1] Andersson, J. and J. Lillestøl (2010). Modeling and forecasting electricity consumption by functional data analysis. Journal of Energy Markets 3(1), 3-15. [2] Aston, J. A. and C. 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