Hallin, Marc; La Vecchia, Davide; Liu, Hang Rank-based testing for semiparametric VAR models: a measure transportation approach. (English) Zbl 07634391 Bernoulli 29, No. 1, 229-273 (2023). Summary: We develop a class of tests for semiparametric vector autoregressive (VAR) models with unspecified innovation densities based on the recent measure-transportation-based concepts of multivariate center-outward ranks and signs. We show that these concepts, combined with Le Cam’s asymptotic theory of statistical experiments, yield novel testing procedures, which (a) are valid under a broad class of innovation densities (possibly non-elliptical, skewed, and/or with infinite moments), (b) are optimal (locally asymptotically maximin or most stringent) at selected ones, and (c) are robust against additive outliers. In order to show this, we establish, for a general class of center-outward rank-based serial statistics, a Hájek asymptotic representation result, of independent interest, which allows for a rank-based reconstruction of central sequences. As an illustration, we consider the problems of testing the absence of serial correlation in multiple-output and possibly non-linear regression (an extension of the classical Durbin-Watson problem) and the sequential identification of the order \(p\) of a \(\mathrm{VAR}(p)\) model. A Monte Carlo comparative study of our tests and their routinely-applied Gaussian competitors demonstrates the benefits (in terms of size, power, and robustness) of our methodology; these benefits are particularly significant in the presence of asymmetric and leptokurtic innovation densities. A real-data application concludes the paper. Cited in 4 Documents MSC: 62Gxx Nonparametric inference 62Mxx Inference from stochastic processes 62Hxx Multivariate analysis Keywords:distribution-freeness; Durbin-Watson test; Hájek representation; local asymptotic normality; multivariate ranks; VAR order selection × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv Link References: [1] Akaike, H. (1973). Information theory and an extension of the maximum likelihood principle. In Second International Symposium on Information Theory (Tsahkadsor, 1971) (B.N. Petrov and F. Csaki, eds.) 267-281. · Zbl 0283.62006 [2] Azzalini, A. and Capitanio, A. (2003). Distributions generated by perturbation of symmetry with emphasis on a multivariate skew \(t\)-distribution. J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. B. Stat. Methodol. 65 367-389. 10.1111/1467-9868.00391 · Zbl 1065.62094 [3] Benghabrit, Y. and Hallin, M. (1992). Optimal rank-based tests against first-order superdiagonal bilinear dependence. J. Statist. Plann. 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