McCallum, William G. Tate duality and wild ramification. (English) Zbl 0767.11057 Math. Ann. 288, No. 4, 553-558 (1990). This short paper gives a positive answer to the question of compatibility of the Tate pairing \(A(K)\times H^ 1(K,\widehat A)\to \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}\) with the natural filtrations on \(A(K)\) for an abelian variety \(A\) over a \({\mathfrak p}\)-adic field \(K\) and on \(H^ 1(K,\widehat A)\) where \(\widehat A\) is the dual abelian variety. It contains also some discussions whether this is true for general formal groups (here the answer is yet unknown).One can add two remarks. First, its results can be extended in a proper way for the case of a perfect residue field via [I. Fesenko, Local class field theory: perfect residue field case (Preprint MPI für Mathematik, 1993)]. Second, the paper of M. I. Bashmakov and A. N. Kirillov [“Lutz filtration on formal groups”, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Mat. 39, 1227-1239 (1975; Zbl 0337.14032)] may provide the answer in the general case of formal groups. Reviewer: I.Fesenko (St.Peterburg) Cited in 3 Documents MSC: 11S31 Class field theory; \(p\)-adic formal groups 14L05 Formal groups, \(p\)-divisible groups 11S15 Ramification and extension theory 14M99 Special varieties Keywords:local field; ramification groups; Tate pairing; abelian variety Citations:Zbl 0337.14032 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML References: [1] Bosch, S., Güntzer, U., Remmert, R.: Non-Archimedean analysis. Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer 1984 · Zbl 0539.14017 [2] Coates, J.: Lecture notes of a course on the Iwasawa theory of motives, 1988, unpublished [3] Lichtenbaum, S.: The period-index problem for elliptic curves. Am. J. Math.90, 1209-1223 (1968) · Zbl 0187.18602 · doi:10.2307/2373297 [4] Mazur, B.: Rational points of abelian varieties with values in towers of number fields. Invent. Math.18, 183-266 (1972) · Zbl 0245.14015 · doi:10.1007/BF01389815 [5] McCallum, W.G.: Duality theorems for Néron models. Duke Math. J.53, 1093-1124 (1986) · Zbl 0623.14023 · doi:10.1215/S0012-7094-86-05354-8 [6] Milne, J.S.: Arithmetic duality theorems. Orlando: Academic Press 1986 · Zbl 0613.14019 [7] Schneider, P.: Arithmetic of formal groups and applications. I. Universal norm subgroups. Invent. Math.87, 587-602 (1987) · Zbl 0608.14034 · doi:10.1007/BF01389244 [8] Sen, S.: Ramification inp-adic Lie extensions. Invent. Math.17, 44-50 (1972) · Zbl 0242.12012 · doi:10.1007/BF01390022 [9] Serre, J.-P.: Groupes algébriques et corps de classes. Paris: Hermann 1959 · Zbl 0097.35604 [10] Serre, J.-P.: Local fiels. Translation of crops locaux. Paris: Hermann, Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer 1979 [11] Tate, J.: WC-group overp-adic fields. Séminaire Bourbaki Exposé 156, 13pp (1957/58) This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.