
Unitary representations of locally compact groups as metric structures. (English) Zbl 1537.03043

For a locally compact group \(G\), the authors show that the class of continuous unitary representations of \(G\) is elementary (that is: axiomatizable) in the sense of continuous logic. They also relate the notion of ultraproduct in the sense of (continuous) logic with other notions of ultraproduct of representations appearing in the literature. The authors also obtain an interesting result (Theorem 4.2) about a model-theoretic characterization of Kazhdan’s property (T) in a locally compact group \(G\) in terms of definability of certain sets of fixed points in the associated structure.


03C60 Model-theoretic algebra
03C20 Ultraproducts and related constructions
22D10 Unitary representations of locally compact groups
22D20 Representations of group algebras
22D55 Kazhdan’s property (T), the Haagerup property, and generalizations


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