
On the Born-Oppenheimer approximation of wave operators in molecular scattering theory. (English) Zbl 0778.35088

Summary: We study the diatomic molecular scattering by reducing the number of particles through Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Under a non-trapping assumption on the effective potential of the molecular Hamiltonian we use semiclassical resolvent estimates to show that non-adiabatic corrections to the adiabatic (or Born-Oppenheimer) wave operators are small. Furthermore we study the classical limit of the adiabatic wave operators by computing its action on quantum observables microlocalized by use of coherent states.


35Q40 PDEs in connection with quantum mechanics
81Q20 Semiclassical techniques, including WKB and Maslov methods applied to problems in quantum theory
35P25 Scattering theory for PDEs
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