
New classic problems. (English) Zbl 0779.54001

Mary Ellen Rudin and Frank Tall organized a problem session at the Spring Topology Conference in San Marcos, Texas in 1990 and invited several people to come up with their ideas for problems that should be the worthy successors to the \(S \& L\) problems, the box product problems, the normal Moore space problem, etc. in the sense that they could and should be the focus of common activity during the 1990’s as the older problems had been during the 1970’s. They hoped that these problems would counterbalance the more centrifugal 1980’s, during which there was a tendency for each set-theoretic topologist to do his own thing, rather than there being many people working on problems generally recognized as important. This compilation is the result. Time will tell whether the title is appropriate.


54-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to general topology
00A07 Problem books

