Leimer, Hanns-Georg Optimal decomposition by clique separators. (English) Zbl 0793.05128 Discrete Math. 113, No. 1-3, 99-123 (1993). Decompositions of graphs by means of clique separators have been studied by R. E. Tarjan [Discrete Math. 55, 221-232 (1985; Zbl 0572.05039)] and others, and have many applications. These decompositions are not generally unique. The author introduces a particular kind of decomposition by clique separators which does result in a unique set of final graphs—these being the maximal subgraphs themselves free of clique separators. He also modifies the algorithm of Tarjan to produce this special decomposition, in time \(O(mn)\). Reviewer: P.Hell (Burnaby) Cited in 57 Documents MSC: 05C99 Graph theory 05C90 Applications of graph theory 05C85 Graph algorithms (graph-theoretic aspects) Keywords:prime subgraphs; clique separators; decompositions Citations:Zbl 0572.05039 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H.-G. 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