Park, Sangwon Inverse polynomials and injective covers. (English) Zbl 0794.16004 Commun. Algebra 21, No. 12, 4599-4613 (1993). Injective covers for \(R\)-modules were defined by Enochs in 1981 using the dual of a categorical definition of an injective envelope. Let \(R\) be a left noetherian ring and \(M\) a left \(R\)-module. Then \(M[x^{-1}]\) may be considered as a left \(R[x]\)-module and it may be proved that if \(M\subset E\) is an injective envelope, then \(M[x^{-1}]\subset E[x^{-1}]\) is an injective envelope over \(R[x]\). The question which motivated the present paper is: If \(E\to M\) is an injective cover, is \(E[x^{-1}]\to M[x^{- 1}]\) an injective cover? The author shows that if \(\overline{E}\to M[x^{-1}]\) is an injective cover, then \(\overline{E}\) has a submodule isomorphic to \(E[x^{-1}]\), providing strong evidence that the answer to the question is in the affirmative. Reviewer: F.Théron (Pretoria) Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 11 Documents MSC: 16D50 Injective modules, self-injective associative rings 16S36 Ordinary and skew polynomial rings and semigroup rings 16P40 Noetherian rings and modules (associative rings and algebras) Keywords:inverse polynomials; injective envelope; left noetherian ring; injective cover PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Park}, Commun. Algebra 21, No. 12, 4599--4613 (1993; Zbl 0794.16004) Full Text: DOI References: [1] Ahsan J., Portugaliae Math 40 pp 257– (1985) [2] Cheatham T., Israel J. Math 63 pp 237– (1988) · Zbl 0667.13004 · doi:10.1007/BF02765041 [3] Enochs E., Israel J. Math 39 pp 189– (1981) · Zbl 0464.16019 · doi:10.1007/BF02760849 [4] Macaulay F.S., Cambridge Tracts 19 (1916) [5] McKerrow A.S., Quart. J . Math. Oxford 25 (3) pp 359– (1974) · Zbl 0302.16027 · doi:10.1093/qmath/25.1.359 [6] Northcott D.G., J. London Math. Soc 3 (2) pp 290– (1974) · Zbl 0284.13012 · doi:10.1112/jlms/s2-8.2.290 This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.