Duke, W.; Rudnick, Z.; Sarnak, P. Density of integer points on affine homogeneous varieties. (English) Zbl 0798.11024 Duke Math. J. 71, No. 1, 143-179 (1993). This paper is an important contribution to the fundamental problem in diophantine analysis to investigate the asymptotics of \(T \to \infty\) of \(N(T,V) = \{m \in V (\mathbb{Z}) : \| m \| \leq T\}\) of integral points of norm \(\leq T\) in an affine variety. The only general method available is the Hardy-Littlewood circle method which has certain limitations (e.g. on the codimension, on the degree of the defining polynomials and the size of the singular sets of the related varieties).This paper seems to be inspired by J. Franke, Yu. Manin and Yu. Tschinkel [Invent. Math. 95, 421-435 (1989; Zbl 0674.14012)] who considered the problem of counting rational points of height \(\leq T\) on certain flag varieties \(G/P\), \(G\) reductive, \(P\) parabolic, involving Eisenstein series. The authors consider varieties \(V = G \cdot w_ 0 \subseteq W\) coming from rational representations of a \(\mathbb{Q}\)-semisimple (usually simple) connected group \(G\) on a \(\mathbb{Q}\)-vector space \(W\). Since \(V(\mathbb{Z})\) breaks up into finitely many \(G(\mathbb{Z})\)-orbits (by a classical theorem of Borel and Harish-Chandra) the problem can be reduced to study a single orbit \({\mathcal O} \cong G (\mathbb{Z})/H(\mathbb{Z})\) \((H\), the stabilizer of \(w_ 0\) is reductive), i.e. one has to study \[ N(T,{\mathcal O}) = \Bigl | \biggl\{ \gamma \in G (\mathbb{Z})/H(\mathbb{Z}) : \bigl \| \gamma (w_ 0) \bigr \| \leq T \biggr\} \Bigr |. \] This can be done, making full use of harmonic analysis in \(L^ 2 (G(\mathbb{R})/G(\mathbb{Z}))\) if \(V(\mathbb{R}) = G (\mathbb{R})/H(\mathbb{R})\) is symmetric, i.e. if \(H(\mathbb{R})\) is the fixed point set of some (not necessarily Cartan-) involution \(\tau\) of \(G(\mathbb{R})\) \((V(\mathbb{R})\) need to be Riemannian symmetric). In this paper it is also assumed that \(H(\mathbb{Z})\) is a lattice in \(H\), i.e. \(H(\mathbb{R})/H(\mathbb{Z})\) has finite volume (in the general case the asymptotics change by a factor \(\log T)\) and that \(G(\mathbb{R})\) is noncompact (in order that certain matrix-coefficients decay at infinity).The main result is that \(N (T,{\mathcal O}) \sim \mu(T)\) as \(T \to \infty\), where \(\mu (T)\) is the volume of the set \(\{\dot g : \dot g \in G(\mathbb{R})/H (\mathbb{R})\), \(\| g(w_ 0) \| \leq T\}\).This theorem also gives a “mass formula” à la Siegel [see A. Eskin, Z. Rudnick and P. Sarnak [Int. Math. Res. Not. 65-69 (1991; Zbl 0743.11023)] if \(V\) is in addition a Hardy-Littlewood system, i.e. if \(N(T,V)\) is a product of local densities [see W. Schmidt, Acta Math. 154, 243-296 (1985; Zbl 0561.10010)]; many homogeneous affine varieties are not far from being such.The proof is not given in full generality, since A. Eskin and C. McMullen [Duke Math. J. 71, 181-209 (1993)] have given a technically much simpler proof (see the review below). If \(W_ n = \{f(x,y)\), \(a_ ox^ n + a_ 1x^{n-1}y + \cdots + a_ ny^ n\}\), \(n \geq 3\), \(\| (a_ 0, \dots,a_ n) \|^ 2 = \sum^ n_{i=0} {h \choose i}^{- 1} a^ 1_ i\), then \({\mathcal O} \cong G (\mathbb{R})/M(\mathbb{R})\) is not (affine) symmetric. Nevertheless it is proved that \(N(T,{\mathcal O}) \sim C_{\mathcal O} T^{2/n}\), \(T \to \infty\). In general the symmetry condition can not be dropped (for an example of Eskin see the review below). The authors consider also the affine symmetric case \(V_{n,k} = \{x \in \text{Mat}_ n,\text{det} x = k\}\). \(V_{n,k} \cong G/H\), \(G = Sl_ n \times Sl_ n\), \(H = \{(g,g),g \in Sl_ n\}\), \(\tau (g_ 1, g_ 2) = (g_ 2,g_ 1)\) and prove even an error-estimate \[ N(T,V_{n,k}) = \mu(T) + O \Bigl( T^{{n^ 2-n-1 \over n+1+ \eta}} \Bigr), \] for all \(\eta>0\) (for \(n=2\) one obtains \(O(T^{5/3})\); the best known remainder is \(O(T^{4/3})\) due to Selberg [see P. Lax and R. Phillips, J. Funct. Anal. 46, 280-350 (1982; Zbl 0497.30036)]).The paper contains also interesting related results and appendices on the volume function \(\mu(T)\) and on regularizing Eisenstein periods on \(Sl_ 2 (\mathbb{C})/Sl_ 2 (\mathbb{R})\). Reviewer: H.Rindler (Wien) Cited in 17 ReviewsCited in 139 Documents MSC: 11G35 Varieties over global fields 14L30 Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients) 14G40 Arithmetic varieties and schemes; Arakelov theory; heights 22E46 Semisimple Lie groups and their representations 53C35 Differential geometry of symmetric spaces Keywords:density of integer points; symmetric space; affine variety; volume function; regularizing Eisenstein periods Citations:Zbl 0798.11025; Zbl 0674.14012; Zbl 0743.11023; Zbl 0561.10010; Zbl 0497.30036 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] E. P. van den Ban, Asymptotic behaviour of matrix coefficients related to reductive symmetric spaces , Nederl. Akad. Wet. Proc. Ser. A Math. Sci. 49 (1987), no. 3, 225-249. · Zbl 0629.43008 [2] H. J. Bartels, Nichteuklidische Gitterpunktprobleme und Gleichverteilung in linearen algebraischen Gruppen , Comment. Math. 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