
A complexity theory for feasible closure properties. (English) Zbl 0798.68060

Summary: The study of the complexity of sets encompasses two complementary aims: (1) establishing – usually via explicit construction of algorithms – that sets are feasible, and (2) studying the relative complexity of sets that plausibly might be feasible but are not currently known to be feasible (such as the NP-complete sets and the PSPACE-complete sets). For the study of the complexity of closure properties, a recent flurry of results has established an analog of (1); these papers explicitly demonstrate many closure properties possessed by PP and \(\text{C}_ =\text{P}\) (and the proofs implicitly give closure properties of the function class #P). The present paper presents and develops, just for function classes such as #P, SpanP, OptP, and MidP, and analog of (2): a general theory of the complexity of closure properties. In particular, we show that subtraction is hard for the closure properties of each of these classes: each is closed under subtraction if and only if it is closed under every polynomial-time operation. Previously, no property – natural or unnatural – had been known to have this behavior. We also prove other natural operations hard for the closure properties of #P, SpanP, OptP, and MidP, and we explore the relative complexity of operations that seem not to be #P-hard, such as maximum, minimum, decrement, and median. Moreover, for each of #P, SpanP, OptP, and MidP, we give a natural complete characterization – in terms of the collapse of complexity classes – of the conditions under which that class has every feasible closure property.


68Q15 Complexity classes (hierarchies, relations among complexity classes, etc.)
03D15 Complexity of computation (including implicit computational complexity)
68Q25 Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity
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