
Random rotations: Characters and random walks on \(SO(N)\). (English) Zbl 0799.60007

For a positive integer \(N\), let \(S=SO(N)\) denote the infinite, compact group consisting of all real, orthogonal, \(N\times N\) matrices with determinant 1, and let \(\lambda\) be normalized Haar measure on \(S\). The author considers a Markov chain \(\{X_ k\}^ \infty_{k=0}\), with state space \(S\), a transition of which may roughly be described as the random choice of a plane in \({\mathbb{R}}^ N\) followed by a rotation of the unit sphere of \({\mathbb{R}}^ N\) through a fixed angle \(\theta\) in that plane. Let \(Q_ k\) be the distribution of \(X_ k\), which we regard as a Borel measure on \(S\). (It turns out that \(Q_ k\) is the \(k\)-fold convolution of \(Q_ 1\) with itself.) Then the variation distance \(D_ k=\| Q_ k-\lambda\|=\sup_ A| Q_ k(A)-\lambda(A)|\) converges to zero, but may remain close to maximal (i.e. close to 1) for an unexpectedly large number of early \(k\)-values.
With Fourier analysis on \(S\) as the principal tool, the paper gives the most information about the case \(\theta=\pi\). In this case, \(D_ k\) commences an exponential decrease to 0 when \(k\) passes the cutoff value \(K_ 0={1\over 4} N \text{ ln } N\). More specifically, there are positive constants \(A\), \(B\), \(C\) such that, whenever \(k=K_ 0-xN\) for some \(x>0\), then \(D_ k\geq 1-Ae^{-8x}-(B\text{ ln } N)/N\); and whenever \(k=K_ 0+xN\), then \(D_ k\leq Ce^{-x/8}\). From an examination of the author’s calculations, it appears that, for \(N\) (odd) sufficiently large, we can take \(A=200\), \(B=2175\), \(C=253\). Assuming, for purposes of illustration, that \(N\approx 10^ 6\) is “sufficiently large”, these inequalities would tell us that the exponential decrease commences after 3.5 million trials or so, that \(D_ k\) reaches .05 after about 72 million trials, but that \(D_ k\geq .95\) for the first 2.3 million trials or so. This large-distance-before-exponential-decrease property is called the Diaconis cutoff phenomenon. It occurs in a surprising number of Markov chains, the first examples coming from card shuffling processes, and the author has provided the first (nontrivial) example with an infinite state space.


60B15 Probability measures on groups or semigroups, Fourier transforms, factorization
60J05 Discrete-time Markov processes on general state spaces
43A75 Harmonic analysis on specific compact groups
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