Andima, Susan (ed.); Kopperman, Ralph (ed.); Misra, Prabudh Ram (ed.); Rudin, Mary Ellen (ed.); Todd, Aaron R. (ed.) Papers on general topology and applications. Proceedings of the seventh summer conference in honor of Mary Ellen Rudin and her work, held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA, June 26 to 29, 1991. (English) Zbl 0801.00034 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 704. New York, NY: The New York Academy of Sciences,. xxi, 367 p. (1993). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually within the serial “Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 704”.Indexed articles:Alas, O. T., Some cardinal inequalities in Lindelöf spaces, 1-5 [Zbl 0828.54005]Bankston, Paul, \(H\)-enrichments and their homeomorphism groups. II, 6-18 [Zbl 0856.54001]Bellamy, David P.; Diamond, Beverly, A surprising similarity between a closed \(n\)-cell and \(\beta\mathbb{R}^ n\), 19-27 [Zbl 0806.54021]Burdick, Bruce S., Local compactness of hyperspaces, 28-33 [Zbl 0828.54021]Burke, Maxim R., Liftings for noncomplete probability spaces, 34-37 [Zbl 0812.28001]Castellini, G.; Koslowski, J.; Strecker, George E., Closure operators and polarities, 38-52 [Zbl 0815.18001]Collins, P. J.; Gartside, P. M.; Kopperman, R. D.; Künzi, H. P. A.; Moody, P. J., On topologies generated by filters of relations, 53-69 [Zbl 0846.54019]Comfort, W. Wistar; Kato, Akio; Shelah, Saharon, Topological partition relations of the form \(\omega^*\to (Y)^ 1_ 2\), 70-79 [Zbl 0855.54004]Connor, Jeff; Swardson, Mary Anne, Measures and ideals of \(C^*(X)\), 80-91 [Zbl 0830.54018]Dow, Alan; Vaughan, Jerry E., Accessible and biaccessible points in contrasequential spaces, 92-102 [Zbl 0814.54017]Erné, M.; Koslowski, J.; Melton, A.; Strecker, George E., A primer on Galois connections, 103-125 [Zbl 0809.06006]Fast, Stephen H., The cardinal number \(d\) and convergent sequences in \(Q\), 126-128 [Zbl 0828.54003]Frič, Roman; Kent, Darrell C., Regularity and sequential convergence spaces, 129-134 [Zbl 0828.54002]Ganster, M.; Reilly, I. L., Another decomposition of continuity, 135-141 [Zbl 0827.54008]Gauld, David, Homeomorphisms of 1-manifolds and \(\omega\)-bounded 2-manifolds, 142-149 [Zbl 0824.57010]Grant, Douglass L., Sequentially compact cancellative topological semigroups: Some progress on the Wallace problem, 150-154 [Zbl 0815.22001]Hindman, Neil, The topological-algebraic system \((\beta \mathbb{N},+, \cdot)\), 155-163 [Zbl 0826.22004]Itzkowitz, Gerald; Wu, Ta Sun, The structure of locally compact connected groups and metrizability, 164-174 [Zbl 0819.22003]Johnson, D.; Kist, J., Primes in preordered sets: A question of Henriksen and Kopperman, 175-179 [Zbl 0809.06002]Kennedy, Judy, How indecomposable continua arise in dynamical systems, 180-201 [Zbl 0829.54023]Kent, Darrell C.; Reed, E. E., Convergence space extensions, 202-213 [Zbl 0848.54003]Kong, T. Yung; Wilson, Richard G., Spaces with weaker minimal \(T_ 0\) and minimal \(T_ D\) topologies, 214-221 [Zbl 0829.54016]Koppelberg, Sabine, Characterizations of Cohen algebras, 222-237 [Zbl 0830.06006]LaBerge, Timothy J., Products of ACRIN spaces, 238-245 [Zbl 0828.54012]Magill, K. D. jun., Green’s equivalences and related concepts for semigroups of continuous selfmaps, 246-268 [Zbl 0807.54032]McIntyre, D. W., A regular countable chain condition space without compact-caliber \((\omega_ 1,\omega)\), 269-272 [Zbl 0828.54004]Naimpally, S. A., Comparison of topologies on hyperspaces, 273-278 [Zbl 0844.54005]Ohta, Haruto; Sakai, Masami; Tamano, Ken-ichi, Perfect \(\kappa\)-normality of product spaces, 279-289 [Zbl 0835.54009]Porter, Jack R., Extensions of discrete spaces, 290-295 [Zbl 0829.54017]Roitman, Judith, Autohomeomorphisms of thin-tall locally compact scattered spaces in ZFC, 296-308 [Zbl 0816.54027]Rose, D. A.; Janković, D.; Hamlett, T. R., Lower density topologies, 309-321 [Zbl 0815.28001]Shapirovskij, Boris, The equivalence of sequential compactness and pseudoradialness in the class of compact \(T_ 2\)-spaces, assuming CH, 322-327 [Zbl 0855.54032]Shore, S. D.; Sawyer, Laurie J., Explicit metrization, 328-336 [Zbl 0820.54011]Slutskin, Lev, Infinitesimal \(R\)-trees associated with lifts of quadratic differentials without connections in the unit disk, 337-344 [Zbl 0815.57020]van Douwen, Eric K.; van Mill, Jan, The homeomorphism extension theorem for \(\beta\omega\setminus\omega\), 345-350 [Zbl 0806.54020]Baars, Jan, Topological equivalence of function spaces, 351-352 [Zbl 0828.54015]Baloglou, George; Tracy, Phil, A problem in the open disc, 353-354 [Zbl 1007.28500]Strauss, Dona, A note on the semigroup \((\beta\mathbb{N}, +)\), 355-357 [Zbl 0829.22004]Tree, I. J., Consistently, must perfect pseudocompact spaces be separable?, 358 [Zbl 0828.54006]Reminiscences of Boris Shapirovskij, xiii-xxi [Zbl 0807.01031] Cited in 2 Reviews MSC: 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest 00B30 Festschriften 54-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to general topology Keywords:conference; proceedings; Madison, WI (USA); general topology Biographic References: Rudin, Mary Ellen PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{S. Andima} (ed.) et al., Papers on general topology and applications. Proceedings of the seventh summer conference in honor of Mary Ellen Rudin and her work, held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA, June 26 to 29, 1991. New York, NY: The New York Academy of Sciences (1993; Zbl 0801.00034)