Diaconis, Persi; Shahshahani, Mehrdad On the eigenvalues of random matrices. (English) Zbl 0807.15015 J. Appl. Probab. 31A, Spec. Vol., 49-62 (1994). The paper deals with a continuous generalization to the classical compact groups: orthogonal, unitary and symplectic. Throughout, random mean uniformly (Haar) distributed. The main results show that the trace of a randomly chosen matrix has an approximate Gaussian distribution.Gaussian approximations for powers of random matrices are also derived and to results for the distribution of their eigenvalues. Reviewer: Seshadri Sridhar (Madras) Cited in 8 ReviewsCited in 160 Documents MSC: 15B52 Random matrices (algebraic aspects) 15A42 Inequalities involving eigenvalues and eigenvectors 60F05 Central limit and other weak theorems Keywords:random matrices; orthogonal group; unitary group; symplectic group; eigenvalue distribution; compact groups; Gaussian distribution × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI