Möhle, M. Forward and backward processes in bisexual models with fixed population sizes. (English) Zbl 0812.92017 J. Appl. Probab. 31, No. 2, 309-332 (1994). Exchangeable bisexual models with fixed population size and non overlapping generations are introduced, where in each generation there are \(N\) pairs of individuals consisting of a female and a male. The \(N\) pairs of a generation produce \(N\) daughters and \(N\) sons altogether forming the \(N\) pairs of the next generation at random. The author studies the extinction of the lines of descendants of a fixed number of pairs when the population size becomes large and the process of the ancestor-pair number of all pairs of a generation. Reviewer: R.Manthey (Jena) Cited in 5 Documents MSC: 92D25 Population dynamics (general) 60J85 Applications of branching processes Keywords:Galton-Watson process; Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process; Wright-Fisher model; exchangeable bisexual models; fixed population size; overlapping generations; extinction; lines of descendants PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{M. Möhle}, J. Appl. Probab. 31, No. 2, 309--332 (1994; Zbl 0812.92017) Full Text: DOI