
Problèmes de placement de tâches sur une architecture multiprocesseur multibus. (French) Zbl 0817.68030

Lavallée, Ivan (ed.) et al., Actes des journées internationales sur les problèmes fondamentaux de l’informatique parallèle et distribuée. Proceedings of the international workshop on principles of parallel computing, Lacanau, France, 23-26 novembre, 1993. Paris: Hermes. 217-231 (1993).
Summary: This paper deals with the problem of task allocation, subjected to precedence contraints, on a multiprocessor multibus architecture. The duration of each task and the duration of each communication delay are modelled by a probability law. The aim is to determine a schedule which minimizes the mean execution duration of all the tasks. The method, that we propose, is based on the coupling between the simulated annealing algorithm (which builds schedules) and a markovian model (which evaluates the mean execution duration of these schedules). We show that this method computes satisfactory solutions compared with classical list algorithms.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 0811.00021].


68M99 Computer system organization
68W10 Parallel algorithms in computer science
68M20 Performance evaluation, queueing, and scheduling in the context of computer systems