
Lower estimates for the complexity of realization of characteristic functions of binary codes by binary programs. (Russian) Zbl 0819.94031

Summary: Nonlinear lower estimates have been obtained for the realization complexity of sequences of characteristic functions of binary codes with a large number of code vertices and increasing (with increase of \(n\)) code distance by binary programs and formulas in the base \((\vee, \&, \neg)\). In particular, the estimate \(C\cdot n\cdot \ln n/\ln\ln n\) has been obtained for characteristic functions of BCH codes (with code distance \(\ln n/\ln \ln n\)) in the class of binary programs.
Let \(BP_ k\) be the class of binary programs, where every path contains at most \(k\) testing of the same variable. It has been shown that in case \(k= c_ 1\ln n/\ln \ln n\), where \(0<c_ 1<1\), a binary linear code exists, the complexity of realization of the characteristic function of which in the class \(BP_ k\) is not less than \(\exp (n^{(1-c_ 1)/2})\). The complexity of realization of the same function in the class of binary programs without constraints is not less than \(2 n^ 2\), i.e. a constraint on the number of testings in a chain with respect to each of the variables gives exponential growth (with respect to the number of variables) of the complexity of the binary program.


94C10 Switching theory, application of Boolean algebra; Boolean functions (MSC2010)
06E30 Boolean functions
94B05 Linear codes (general theory)