Bellettini, G.; Paolini, M. Quasi-optimal error estimates for the mean curvature flow with a forcing term. (English) Zbl 0820.49019 Differ. Integral Equ. 8, No. 4, 735-752 (1995). A singular perturbed reaction-diffusion equation with a small parameter \(\varepsilon> 0\) is considered. The authors prove a quasi-optimal estimate of order \(O(\varepsilon^ 2|\log \varepsilon|^ 2)\) for the Hausdorff distance between the flow and the approximate interface. The order of the interface error estimate is a consequence of a comparison principle and the explicit construction of suitable sub- and supersolutions. Reviewer: C.Popa (Iaşi) Cited in 19 Documents MSC: 49Q05 Minimal surfaces and optimization 35K57 Reaction-diffusion equations 35B25 Singular perturbations in context of PDEs 35A35 Theoretical approximation in context of PDEs Keywords:mean curvature flow; reaction-diffusion equation; quasi-optimal estimate; Hausdorff distance; interface error estimate × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF