
Structures related to Pascal’s triangle modulo 2 and their elementary theories. (English) Zbl 0824.11008

Author’s abstract: The elementary theory of the structure \((\mathbb{N}; B_ 2)\), where \(\mathbb{N}\) is the set of nonnegative integers and \(B_ 2 (x,y)= {{x+y} \choose x} \bmod 2\), is decidable. On the other hand, addition and multiplication on \(\mathbb{N}\) are definable in the structure \((\mathbb{N}; B_ 2, \text{Sq})\), where Sq is the set of squares of integers, and hence the elementary theory of \((\mathbb{N}; B_ 2, \text{Sq})\) is undecidable. Further definability results are presented.


11B65 Binomial coefficients; factorials; \(q\)-identities
11U05 Decidability (number-theoretic aspects)


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