Pardo, J. A. On the asymptotic distribution of useful Shannon entropy in a stratified sampling. (English) Zbl 0829.62009 Metron 51, No. 1-2, 119-137 (1993). Summary: The useful Shannon entropy introduced by C. F. Picard [Graphes et questionnaires. (1972; Zbl 0266.94018)] is considered, and the asymptotic distribution of its analogue estimator, in a stratified sampling, is obtained. Also, on the basis of these results, tests of hypotheses are constructed. Cited in 1 Document MSC: 62B10 Statistical aspects of information-theoretic topics 62E20 Asymptotic distribution theory in statistics 62D05 Sampling theory, sample surveys 62F03 Parametric hypothesis testing Keywords:Shannon entropy; stratified sampling Citations:Zbl 0417.94009; Zbl 0266.94018 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF