Flammang, V. On the length of totally positive algebraic integers. (Sur la longueur des entiers algébriques totalement positifs.) (French) Zbl 0831.11057 J. Number Theory 54, No. 1, 60-72 (1995). For a polynomial \[ P(X)= X^d+ a_{d-1} X^{d-1}+ \cdots+ a_0= \prod_{k=1}^d (X- \alpha) \] put \(R_1 (P)= \prod_{k=1}^d (1+|\alpha_k |)\) and \(R(P)= R_1 (P)^{1/d}\). The author studies the set \({\mathcal R}\) of the values of \(R(P)\), where \(P\) runs over irreducible polynomials \(\neq X, X-1\) with integral coefficients having all roots positive. He determines the five smallest numbers in \({\mathcal R}\) (which correspond to certain polynomials considered by C. J. Smyth [Math. Comput. 37, 205-208 (1981; Zbl 0475.12001)]) and shows that this set is dense in a certain halfline \([l,\infty ]\) with \(l= 2.3768 \dots\;\). Reviewer: W.Narkiewicz (Wrocław) Cited in 8 Documents MSC: 11R04 Algebraic numbers; rings of algebraic integers 11R09 Polynomials (irreducibility, etc.) 11R80 Totally real fields Keywords:totally positive integer; minimal polynomial Citations:Zbl 0475.12001 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{V. Flammang}, J. Number Theory 54, No. 1, 60--72 (1995; Zbl 0831.11057) Full Text: DOI