
NP-completeness of a combinator optimization problem. (English) Zbl 0837.03015

Summary: We consider a deterministic rewrite system for combinatory logic over combinators \(S, K, I, B\), \(C, S', B'\), and \(C'\). Terms will be represented by graphs so that reduction of a duplicator will cause the duplicated expression to be “shared” rather than copied. To each normalizing term we assign a weighting which is the number of reduction steps necessary to reduce the expression to normal form. A lambda- expression may be represented by several distinct expressions in combinatory logic, and two combinatory logic expressions are considered equivalent if they represent the same lambda-expression (up to \(\beta\)- \(\eta\)-equivalence). The problem of minimizing the number of reduction steps over equivalent combinator expressions (i.e., the problem of finding the “fastest running” combinator representation for a specific lambda-expression) is proved to be NP-complete by reduction from the “Hitting Set” problem.


03B40 Combinatory logic and lambda calculus
68Q42 Grammars and rewriting systems
68Q25 Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity
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