Hartung, Ferenc; Turi, Janos Stability in a class of functional differential equations with state-dependent delays. (English) Zbl 0840.34083 Corduneanu, C. (ed.), Qualitative problems for differential equations and control theory. Dedicated to Aristide Halanay on occasion of his 70th birthday. Singapore: World Scientific. 15-31 (1995). An autonomous nonlinear delay system with state-dependent delay is studied. The linearization method for the given system is extended. Stability properties of the nonlinear system are deduced from those of the corresponding linear equation which is significantly easier to check. The method is illustrated on several examples with constant, time and state-dependent delays.For the entire collection see [Zbl 0838.00012]. Reviewer: S.G.Khristova (Plovdiv) Cited in 12 Documents MSC: 34K20 Stability theory of functional-differential equations Keywords:stability; autonomous nonlinear delay system with state-dependent delay; linearization method × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF