Natkaniec, Tomasz Extendability and almost continuity. (English) Zbl 0843.26002 Real Anal. Exch. 21(1995-96), No. 1, 349-355 (1996). Summary: Every function \(f: [0, 1]\to [- 1, 1]\) can be expressed as the sum of three extendable functions, as the maximum of two minima of extendable functions and as the limit of a transfinite sequence of extendable functions. Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 1 Document MSC: 26A15 Continuity and related questions (modulus of continuity, semicontinuity, discontinuities, etc.) for real functions in one variable 54C08 Weak and generalized continuity Keywords:Darboux function; extendable function; connectivity function; almost continuous function; peripherally continuous function; \(g\)-negligible set × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF