
Tangent Lie algebroids. (English) Zbl 0843.58044

Summary: This paper shows that a Lie algebroid structure on a smooth vector bundle \(A@> \pi >> Q\) gives rise to a Lie algebroid structure on the bundle \(TA@> T\pi>> TQ\), called the tangent Lie algebroid. The analysis uses global arguments. A Lie algebroid \(A\) is equivalent to a certain Poisson structure on \(A^*\), and the tangent bundle of any Poisson manifold has a tangent Poisson structure. The tangent Poisson structure on \(TA^*\) is then dualized to produce the tangent Lie algebroid structure on \(TA\). Local calculations are used, and formulae for local brackets are given.


37J99 Dynamical aspects of finite-dimensional Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems
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