
Densities of self-similar measures on the line. (English) Zbl 0860.28005

This paper mainly deals with a numerical approximation to compute self-similar measures \(\mu\) on \([0,1]\) such that \(\mu= \sum^m_{j=1}p_j\mu\circ S^{-1}_j\) for an IFS \(([0,1]\); \(S_1,\dots,S_m\)) and positive weights \(p_j\), but also with self-replicating measures \(\mu\) such that for Borel sets \(A\) in \([0,1]\), \(\mu(A)= \sum^m_{j=1} \int_{S^{-1}_jA} p_jd\mu\), and the \(p_j\) become nonnegative functions.
A set of interval partition data is a pair \(({\mathcal J},\nu)\) such that \(\nu:{\mathcal J}\to[0,1]\) and \(\mathcal J\) is a finite collection of non-overlapping subintervals \(J\subset [0,1]\) such that \(\sum_{J\in{\mathcal J}}\nu(J)=1\). \(\mu\) matches the data \(({\mathcal J},\nu)\) exactly iff \(\mu(J)=\nu(J)\) for all \(J\in{\mathcal J}\).
The numerical algorithm is as follows: Set \({\mathcal J}_0=\{[0,1]\}\), \(\nu_0([0,1])=1\), and given \(({\mathcal J}_{k-1},\nu_{k-1})\), let \[ {\mathcal J}_k= \{S_jJ\mid j=1,\dots,m,\;J\in {\mathcal J}_{k-1}\}\quad\text{and} \quad \nu_k(S_jJ)= p_j\nu_{k-1}(J)\text{ for } J\in {\mathcal J}_{k-1}. \] Now, if \(\mu\) matches \(({\mathcal J}_{k-1},\nu_{k-1})\), so it will \(({\mathcal J}_k,\nu_k)\). Later on, this simple algorithm will be modified. The authors discuss error measurement of these algorithms. The numerical approach to \(\mu\) is used to study the density diagram of \(\mu\), \[ \{(s,h(x,s))\mid x\in\text{carrier}(\mu),\;s\geq 0\}, \] where \[ h(x,s)= {\mu(B_{c^{-s}}(x))\over (2c^{-s})^\alpha} \] for given \(\alpha,c>0\) and \(B_{c^{-s}}(x)\) the closed ball at \(x\) and radius \(c^{-s}\). The diagram is (highly) self-similar and overcomes the problem of non-existence of an exact density function.
Finally, the paper includes also the problem of the correct normalization of Hausdorff measures and some other averaging density definitions.


28A80 Fractals
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