
Multiple criteria decision support: A case of integration of technical, economic and environmental criteria at Hydro-Québec. (L’aide multicritère à la décision: Un cas d’intégration de critères techniques, économiques et environnementaux à Hydro-Québec.) (French) Zbl 0864.90076

Summary: The use of a multicriteria decision aid is essentially characterized by: (1) an approach that explicitly uses several points of view or criteria; (2) a form of communication that allows structured interactions between decision-makers and analysts; and (3) a methodology that consists of generating potential actions, formulating criteria and creating a performance table that utilizes the information by using a multicriteria ranking procedure. As part of an exploratory study at Hydro-Québec, a multicriteria decision aid has been used to analyze the ranking of scenarios for hydroelectric facilities. The study involved three groups of participants: the committee of decision-makers that sets priorities and adopts a position; the experts, who respond to requests to evaluate the scenarios according to each criterion, and a task force that applies a multicriteria aid to decision-making, coordinating meetings with the committee of decision-makers and consultations with the experts.
The presentation will illustrate how a multicriteria approach can help take into account technical, economic and environmental considerations and highlight the decisive issues. The interactions and discussions spread over time can help clarify and generalize understanding of the evaluation criteria used in the ranking procedure.


90B90 Case-oriented studies in operations research
68T35 Theory of languages and software systems (knowledge-based systems, expert systems, etc.) for artificial intelligence
90B50 Management decision making, including multiple objectives