
On nonparametric regression for iid observations in a general setting. (English) Zbl 0865.62025

Summary: We consider the problem of sharp-optimal estimation of a response function \(f(x)\) in a random design nonparametric regression under a general model where a pair of observations \((Y,X)\) has a joint density \(p(y,x)=p(y|f(x))\pi(x)\). We wish to estimate the response function with optimal minimax mean integrated squared error convergence as the sample size tends to \(\infty\). Traditional regularity assumptions on the conditional density \(p(y|\theta)\) assumed for parameter \(\theta\) estimation are sufficient for sharp-optimal nonparametric risk convergence as well as for the existence of the best constant and rate of risk convergence. This best constant is a nonparametric analog of Fisher information. Many examples are sketched including location and scale families, censored data, mixture models and some well-known applied examples. A sequential approach and some aspects of experimental design are considered as well.


62G07 Density estimation
62G20 Asymptotic properties of nonparametric inference
62K05 Optimal statistical designs
62L12 Sequential estimation
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