
A ”microscopic” study of minimum entropy search in learning decomposable Markov networks. (English) Zbl 0866.68088

Summary: Several scoring metrics are used in different search procedures for learning probabilistic networks. We study the properties of cross entropy in learning a decomposable Markov network. Though entropy and related scoring metrics were widely used, its ‘microscopic’ properties and asymptotic behavior in a search have not been analyzed. We present such a ‘microscopic’ study of a minimum entropy search algorithm, and show that it learns an \(I\)-map of the domain model when the data size is large.
Search procedures that modify a network structure one link at a time have been commonly used for efficiency. Our study indicates that a class of domain models cannot be learned by such procedures. This suggests that prior knowledge about the problem domain together with a multi-link search strategy would provide an effective way to uncover many domain models.


68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence
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