
On the solution set of nonconvex subdifferential evolution inclusions. (English) Zbl 0868.34010

The paper investigates the nonconvex differential inclusion \[ -t(\dot x)\in\partial\varphi (t,x(t))+\text{ext }F(t,x(t))\quad \text{a.e.,}\quad x(0)=x_0 \] where \(\partial\) stands for the subdifferential operator and \(\text{ext }F(t,x)\) for the extreme points of \(F(t,x)\). Such a problem occurs in the control theory of differential equations (bang-bang principles).


34A60 Ordinary differential inclusions
35A07 Local existence and uniqueness theorems (PDE) (MSC2000)
34H05 Control problems involving ordinary differential equations
34G20 Nonlinear differential equations in abstract spaces


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