
The MATLAB ODE suite. (English) Zbl 0868.65040

The paper presents mathematical and software developments that are the basis for a suite of programs for the solution of initial value problems \(y' = F(t,y)\), with initial conditions \(y(t_{0}) = y_{0}\). The solvers for stiff problems allow the more general form \(M(t)y' = f(t,y)\) with a nonsingular and sparse matrix \(M(t)\). The programs are developed for MATLAB, which influences the choice of methods and their implementation.


65L05 Numerical methods for initial value problems involving ordinary differential equations
65L06 Multistep, Runge-Kutta and extrapolation methods for ordinary differential equations
34E13 Multiple scale methods for ordinary differential equations
34A34 Nonlinear ordinary differential equations and systems
34-04 Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to ordinary differential equations
65Y15 Packaged methods for numerical algorithms
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