
Finite subgroups of \(\text{GL}_{24}(\mathbb{Q})\). (English) Zbl 0870.20029

The author provides a full list of maximal finite irreducible subgroups \(G\) of \(\text{GL}(n,\mathbb{Z})\) together with their \(G\)-lattices of minimal determinant. The information given is very precise, and contains such parameters as the determinant of the lattice and the number of vectors of minimal length. A \(G\)-invariant quadratic form is given for every primitive group \(G\).


20G20 Linear algebraic groups over the reals, the complexes, the quaternions
11E57 Classical groups
11H56 Automorphism groups of lattices
20C10 Integral representations of finite groups
20E28 Maximal subgroups
20H15 Other geometric groups, including crystallographic groups
20E07 Subgroup theorems; subgroup growth




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