Perman, Mihael; Wellner, Jon A. On the distribution of Brownian areas. (English) Zbl 0870.60035 Ann. Appl. Probab. 6, No. 4, 1091-1111 (1996). Summary: We study the distributions of the areas under the positive parts of a Brownian motion process \(B\) and a Brownian bridge process \(U\): with \(A^+=\int^1_0B^+(t)dt\) and \(A^+_0= \int^1_0U^+(t)dt\), we use excursion theory to show that the Laplace transforms \(\Psi^+(s)= E\exp(-sA^+)\) and \(\Psi^+_0(s)= E\exp(-sA^+_0)\) of \(A^+\) and \(A^+_0\) satisfy \[ \int^\infty_0 e^{-\lambda s}\Psi^+(\sqrt 2s^{3/2})ds= {\lambda^{-1/2}Ai(\lambda)+ (1/3-\int^\lambda_0A_i(t)dt)\over \sqrt\lambda Ai(\lambda)-Ai'(\lambda)} \] and \[ \int^\infty_0 {e^{-\lambda s}\over\sqrt s} \Psi^+_0(\sqrt 2 s^{3/2})ds= 2\sqrt\pi {Ai(\lambda)\over\sqrt\lambda Ai(\lambda)- Ai'(\lambda)}, \] where \(Ai\) is Airy’s function. At the same time, our approach via excursion theory unifies previous calculations of this type due to Kac, Groeneboom, Louchard, Shepp and Takács for other Brownian areas. Similarly, we use excursion theory to obtain recursion formulas for the moments of the “positive part” areas. We have not yet succeeded in inverting the double Laplace transforms because of the structure of the function appearing in the denominators, namely, \(\sqrt\lambda Ai(\lambda)- Ai'(\lambda)\). Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 21 Documents MSC: 60G15 Gaussian processes 60G99 Stochastic processes 60E05 Probability distributions: general theory Keywords:absolute value; Airy functions; area; asymptotic distribution; Brownian bridge; Brownian excursion; Brownian motion; Feynman-Kac; inversion; moments; positive part; recursion formulas × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] ABRAMOWITZ, M. and STEGUN, I. A. 1965. Handbook of Mathematical Functions. Dover, New York. 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