
Tilted irreducible representations of the permutation group. (English) Zbl 0873.20013

Summary: A fast algorithm to compute irreducible integer representations of the symmetric group is described. The representation is called tilted because the identity is not represented by a unit matrix, but a matrix \(\beta\) satisfying a reduced characteristic equation of the form \((\beta-I)^k=0\). A distinctive feature of the approach is that the non-zero matrix elements are restricted to \(\pm 1\). A so-called natural representation is obtained by multiplying each representation matrix by \(\beta^{-1}\). Alternatively the representation property of the matrices is maintained by inserting the matrix \(\beta^{-1}\) between two representation matrices.


20C40 Computational methods (representations of groups) (MSC2010)
20C30 Representations of finite symmetric groups
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