
Generalization of likelihood ratio tests under nonstandard conditions. (English) Zbl 0873.62022

Summary: We analyze the statistic which is the difference in the values of an estimating function evaluated at its local maxima on two different subsets of the parameter space, assuming that the true parameter is in each subset, but possibly on the boundary. Our results extend known methods by covering a large class of estimation problems which allow sampling from nonidentically distributed random variables.
Specifically, the existence and consistency of the local maximum estimators and asymptotic properties of useful hypothesis tests are obtained under certain law of large numbers and central limit-type assumptions. Other models covered include those with general log-likelihoods and/or covariates. As an example, the large sample theory of two-way nested random variance components models with covariates is derived from our main results.


62F05 Asymptotic properties of parametric tests
62F12 Asymptotic properties of parametric estimators
62E20 Asymptotic distribution theory in statistics
62F03 Parametric hypothesis testing
62H15 Hypothesis testing in multivariate analysis
62J10 Analysis of variance and covariance (ANOVA)
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