Jones, Vaughan F. R. (ed.); Kania-Bartoszyńska, Joanna (ed.); Przytycki, Józef (ed.); Traczyk, Paweł (ed.); Turaev, Vladimir G. (ed.) Knot theory. Proceedings of the mini-semester, Warsaw, Poland, July 13–August 17, 1995. (English) Zbl 0890.00048 Banach Center Publications. 42. Warszawa: Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, 463 p. (1998). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.Indexed articles:Blanchet, Christian, Refined quantum invariants for three-manifolds with structure, 11-22 [Zbl 0911.57011]Bullock, Doug, Estimating the states of the Kauffman bracket skein module, 23-28 [Zbl 0902.57016]Carter, J. Scott; Saito, Masahico, Surfaces in 3-space that do not lift to embeddings in 4-space, 29-47 [Zbl 0910.57009]Cavicchioli, Alberto; Hegenbarth, Friedrich; Repovš, Dušan, On manifold spines and cyclic presentations of groups, 49-56 [Zbl 0904.57008]Cromwell, Peter R., Arc presentations of knots and links, 57-64 [Zbl 0904.57004]Darcy, Isabel K.; Sumners, De Witt, Applications of topology to DNA, 65-75 [Zbl 0901.57019]Deguchi, Tetsuo; Tsurusaki, Kyoichi, Numerical application of knot invariants and universality of random knotting, 77-85 [Zbl 0901.57013]Geck, Meinolf, Trace functions on Iwahori-Hecke algebras, 87-109 [Zbl 0901.57016]Gervais, Sylvain, The \(p_1\)-central extension of the mapping class group of orientable surfaces, 111-117 [Zbl 0923.57005]Gilmer, Patrick M., A TQFT for wormhole cobordisms over the field of rational functions, 119-127 [Zbl 0907.57004]Gordon, C. McA., Dehn filling: A survey, 129-144 [Zbl 0916.57016]Jones, Vaughan F. R.; Przytycki, Józef H., Lissajous knots and billiard knots, 145-163 [Zbl 0901.57012]Kanenobu, Taizo; Miyazawa, Yasuyuki, HOMFLY polynomials as Vassiliev link invariants, 165-185 [Zbl 0901.57017]Kauffman, Louis H., Spin networks and the bracket polynomial, 187-204 [Zbl 0902.57008]Lin, Xiao-Song, Finite type invariants of integral homology 3-spheres: A survey, 205-220 [Zbl 0901.57024]McCabe, J.; Wydro, T., Topics in statistical physics involving braids, 221-234 [Zbl 0905.20025]Meissen, Monica, Edge number results for piecewise-linear knots, 235-242 [Zbl 0901.57015]Murakami, Hitoshi, Calculation of the Casson-Walker-Lescop invariant from chord diagrams, 243-254 [Zbl 0902.57024]Plachta, Leonid, Chord diagrams in the classification of Morse-Smale flows on 2-manifolds, 255-273 [Zbl 1005.37503]Przytycki, Józef H., 3-coloring and other elementary invariants of knots, 275-295 [Zbl 0904.57002]Przytycki, Józef H.; Sikora, Adam S., Skein algebra of a group, 297-306 [Zbl 0902.57005]Randell, Richard, Invariants of piecewise-linear knots, 307-319 [Zbl 0901.57014]Ricca, Renzo L., Applications of knot theory in fluid mechanics, 321-346 [Zbl 0912.76002]Roseman, Dennis, Reidemeister-type moves for surfaces in four-dimensional space, 347-380 [Zbl 0906.57010]Silver, Daniel S.; Williams, Susan G., Generalized \(n\)-colorings of links, 381-394 [Zbl 0903.57004]Sokolov, Maxim, On the absolute value of the \(SO(3)\)-invariant and other summands of the Turaev-Viro invariant, 395-408 [Zbl 0901.57025]Traczyk, Paweł, A new proof of Markov’s braid theorem, 409-419 [Zbl 0901.57018]Vershinin, Vladimir V., Homology of braid groups and their generalizations, 421-446 [Zbl 0905.20032]Westbury, Bruce W., A generating function for spin network evaluations, 447-456 [Zbl 0902.57010]Willerton, Simon, Vassiliev invariants as polynomials, 457-463 [Zbl 0903.57005] Cited in 1 Document MSC: 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest 57-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to manifolds and cell complexes Keywords:Knot theory; Min-semester; Proceedings; Warsaw (Poland) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF