Grossman, Jerrold W.; Ion, Patrick D. F. On a portion of the well-known collaboration graph. (English) Zbl 0903.05046 Congr. Numerantium 108, 129-131 (1995). This little expository note deals with the collaboration graph \(C\). The vertices of \(C\) are the researchers and the edges are the pairs of authors of a multiauthor paper. Of course, the neighborhood of the Paul Erdős vertex is explored, and the Erdős number is introduced. A chart, which gives the percentage of papers appearing in Math Reviews with one author, two author, or at least three author papers in each of the years since 1940, is displayed. This chart shows that there has been a significant increase in the number of multiauthor papers over the period from 1940 to present. Reviewer: R.Faudree (Memphis) Cited in 5 Documents MSC: 05C99 Graph theory 01A70 Biographies, obituaries, personalia, bibliographies Keywords:collobaration graph; multiauthor Software:GraphBase × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF