
The reflected-transmitted and head waves SH-type produced by a thin layer which is placed between two elastic half-spaces with a rigid contact. (English) Zbl 0909.73024

J. Math. Sci., New York 91, No. 1, 2601-2618 (1998); translation from Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI 225, 91-120 (1996).
The authors study the interference wave field in layered media, namely for two half-spaces, \(z<H\) and \(z>H+h\) \((z\) is a Cartesian coordinate) separated by a thin layer, \(H<z<H+h\). The media are isotropic and homogeneous, and the wave source is placed at the origin. The \(SV\)-type waves are also taken into account. The authors use numerical simulation via the contour integration technique, and analyze main types of \(SV\)-waves (body, channel, head, and tunnelling waves) both in time and in frequency domains. As expected, the propagation in the layer disappears when the layer thickness is less that the quarter of the wavelength. Also, some maxima in the spectral domain are observed, and a shift between them is produced as the horizontal distance increases.


74J20 Wave scattering in solid mechanics
86A15 Seismology (including tsunami modeling), earthquakes


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