Gantmacher, F. R. The theory of matrices. Vol. 1. Transl. from the Russian by K. A. Hirsch. Reprint of the 1959 translation. (English) Zbl 0927.15001 Providence, RI: AMS Chelsea Publishing. x, 374 p. (1998). [For a review of the first Russian edition (1953) see Zbl 0050.24804.]This is an excellent textbook consisting of the following usual ten chapters: I: Matrices and operations on matrices; II: The algorithm of Gauss and some of its applications; III: Linear operators in an \(n\)-dimensional vector space; IV: The characteristic polynomial and the minimal polynomial of a matrix; V: Functions of matrices; IV: Equivalent transformations of polynomial matrices. Analytic theory of elementary divisors; VII: The structure of linear operators in an \(n\)-dimensional space; VIII: Matrix equations; IX: Linear operators in a unitary space; X: Quadratic and Hermitian forms. Reviewer: T.Nôno (Hiroshima) Cited in 7 ReviewsCited in 161 Documents MSC: 15-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to linear algebra 01A75 Collected or selected works; reprintings or translations of classics 65F05 Direct numerical methods for linear systems and matrix inversion Keywords:theory of matrices; Gauss algorithm; reprint of classics; linear operators; matrix equations; quadratic and Hermitian forms; textbook; vector space; characteristic polynomial; minimal polynomial; polynomial matrices; elementary divisors Citations:Zbl 0050.24804 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{F. R. Gantmacher}, The theory of matrices. Vol. 1. Transl. from the Russian by K. A. Hirsch. Reprint of the 1959 translation. Providence, RI: AMS Chelsea Publishing (1998; Zbl 0927.15001)