
Semiclassical electron motion and Novikov’s conjecture. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0932.58039

J. Math. Sci., New York 94, No. 4, 1589-1592 (1999); translation from Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI 235, 228-234 (1996).
Summary: The structure of nonclosed trajectories of semiclassical electron motion in a crystal in a weak constant and uniform magnetic field of irrationality degree 3 is considered. It is proved that two cases can exist. In the first case, the set of energy levels which contain nonclosed trajectories is a closed interval and any regular nonclosed trajectory lies in a finite-wide stripe and comes through it in one direction. In the order case, there is only one energy level containing nonclosed trajectories.


58J90 Applications of PDEs on manifolds
78A35 Motion of charged particles


Zbl 0924.00015


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